Fans of Alex "iPad Kid" Quackity manifest a Mickey Mouse stream after he uses a high pitched voice to imitate the popular cartoon character Mickey Mouse.
"Mickey Mouse Stream! Let's go! Popping off!" says George.
by quackitys mom April 15, 2021
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a really scuffed / messed up stream, paralleling the motifs of mickey mouse. it is also commonly referred to as a Scooby Doo stream, and is used especially when referring to the streamer Quackity.
"Ayo, did you see Quackity's stream yesterday?"
"Yeah dude, I hated it. Total Mickey Mouse Stream if you ask me."
by calbruh April 15, 2021
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Term used to describe the childish actions of an adult.
Bob: Your telling me he tattled on you?

Jim Bo: Yeah, ain't that some Mickey Mouse Shit?
by OmegaSeabee September 11, 2008
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Mickey from NYC alert, 8rz aka Brandon. Is a Mickey who sold pandas for $220.
Nah man how he bragging bout skipping a concepts line but it went OOS before he got in, what a Mickey Mouse reseller
by Real reseller January 18, 2022
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mickey mouse bullcrap a less offensive term for mickey mouse bullshit something that is irritating or slightly annoying
my ex started an argument with me i told her i dont have time for this mickey mouse bullcrap
by bluebear September 9, 2022
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A polite alternative to calling a frustrating situation a cluster fuck. This is acceptable to use around children.
Trying to rent my books for classes is always a Mickey Mouse Operation.
by The Ulicycle May 6, 2015
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An official NBA Championship Ring that was literally given to the Lakers in Walt Disney Resort in Orlando, FL.
"LeBron won a Mickey Mouse Ring in Disney World and the NBA is counting it for some reason, you can't make this shit up."
by Fr0stinaDungeon August 2, 2021
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