Alarm... Snooze... Alarm... Snooze.... Alarm... SHIIIIIT!

Even when we know we should probably get up or we will be late we convince ourselfs that sleeping ten miniutes wont hurt, then we repeat and repeat untill we are about half an hour late then blame our alarm.
Beep beep.

Oh 10 more miniutes

Beep beep

*smacks snooze button*

Beep Beep


*Jumps out of bed muttering "Stupid Snooze Syndrome. !"*
by Anna's February 7, 2010
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The action of hitting the "snooze" button on an alarm clock over, and over again.
Did you know? An iPhone alarm will continue to sound every nine minutes, even after two full hours of snooze-buttoning.
by envirochef February 10, 2010
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To have your snooze shoes on is to be tired.
Shit man, I've been working all day, time to put my snooze shoes on.

Bro, I've have my snooze shoes on alllll day.

Insomniac- Where the fuck are my snooze shoes?
by gotmysnoozeshoeson October 28, 2009
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Someone who constantly abuses the snooze button in the morning.
Bob: "Why were you late again to work"
Steve: "Because I hit the snooze button for over an hour"
Bob: "You are such a snooze whore"
by Mojo R.C. August 9, 2007
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When you are having sex and your girl and she starts moaning rhythmically like an alarm clock, so you punch her in the head like a snooze button and knock her the fuck out.
Bro 1 - Last night I got some strange and had to snooze a bitch.

Bro 2 - How long did you snooze?

Bro 1 - Till I came in her fucking nose!
by Rammz September 7, 2012
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When you a guy masturbates, then "cums", and then that tired feeling you get after you do it and then of course followed by sleeping.
I cant get to bed so i'm going to pull a gooze and snooze.
by Ewan February 1, 2004
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You've got 9 minutes, then I gotta go to work. Let's get in a quick snooze fuck
When you wake up late for work and need a quick fuck. Terry was late for work today must not of had a snooze fuck.
by scaryhiccups March 25, 2015
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