v. To get to something before someone else. Comes from the news business.
I scooped Bungalow H. Bill with the definition for piece.
by The Grammar Nazi December 10, 2001
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A word used when asking someone "how is it going?" or "what is going on?".
Hey friend, what is the scoop on the hockey game?
by TheTallTale March 6, 2005
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The act of farting while behind another person, quickly forming your hand into a cup, reaching around and scooping the stinky air into the other person's face. As you do it, you yell SCOOP!

I gave my girlfriend the scoop and she hasn't fucked me for a couple of days!

The other night at the bar, I scooped my buddy and he puked!

by Yoda September 24, 2003
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when you go up behind a guy and grab his ballsack from inbetween his legs, and cup them im your hand, and scoop them backwards, towards you
1: ouch man, that scoop really hurt !
2: haha, scooping is fun
by K-Starr. May 4, 2009
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to acquire illicit drugs (i.e. heroin) on the street-corner.
"I was jonesin' and it took forever to scoop."
by shady bill August 3, 2004
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its a slang term round certain parts, meaning to go 4 an alcoholic beverage! usually in pint form!
fancy a couple ov scoops down the eagle?
by Dean32 August 10, 2006
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To put your hand into a cupped position and "scoop" a nipple or boob of a person in an upward gesture.
"I just scooped that guy and he looked disturbed!"
by Oh Shit Moment June 15, 2009
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