to screw someone over; most notably, cock blocking someone
to sandbag someone
Jim: That party last night was pretty sweet.
Mark: What are you talking about? You were sandbagging me all night. I was gonna have a threesome until you showed up.
Jim: Oh, whatever dude.
by djillwill919 April 12, 2012
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When a technician comes to work early and looks at the key tags to get himself the best job on the board. To generally be douchy by nature and retain excess work to serve his or her best interest.
Snake was sandbagging all of the best jobs for himself while the rest of us stood around with our thumbs up our a$$es.
by Mike Billings April 25, 2008
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The female version of tea-bagging. Dropping/slapping large breast in your partners mouth
Hamish "I like your tits in my mouth"

Noelle "Im gunna be sandbagging you tonight then"
by katharineN December 8, 2012
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When you leave an beverage container, usually a can, unfinished. The result is a can that carries a little weight on the bottom - thus, sandbagging. It's typically poor form to sandbag a beverage, be it beer or soda.
"Dude, those fucking GDI's just come to our party and sandbag all our Busch Lites!"

"Ian was pissed off when Mike would steal his Coca Colas and subsequently sandbag them."
by Steve Miller IV April 5, 2006
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When a teacher calls you out when you least expect it, then makes a whole production out of it.
Teacher- Lil' Johnny, what is the square root of -890902345
Lil' Johnny- Uhhh...
Teacher- Well let's see if any of your other classmates would help you!
Lil' Johnny- Sandbagging bitch.
by midgetslayer1998 October 20, 2011
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to be dissed, ignored, proven wrong, or snubbed by another person who acts like a real asshole during the sandbagging; preferably done by that polish girl at lunch that no one likes, ya know? the one who sits by people who make fun of her, and she pretends to be like haha but then goes home and cuts herself, and u try to be kinda nice sumtimes but then she just sandbags you like that, ya know? yea....u know
Izabel, or whatever the fuck that girls name is, just sandbagged Dan when he asked her what time it was and she was like "Time for you to get a watch". So I sandbagged her back by fuckin her sister, and she was all "oh yea" and i was like "bam bam bambam bam"................yea
by Jesus Christ Jr. April 2, 2008
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When a woman lays her naked boobs upon someone else's forehead. A picture is usually taken for later humiliation of the sandbagger or the sandbaggie.

a drunken prank; variation on the practical joke of teabagging.
Danielle was so drunk that she went around sandbagging people all night!

Jill was the first to pass out, so we all took turns sandbagging her.
by Fruitycherry January 6, 2007
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