the combined pseudonym given to two people, usually a pretend irishwoman and an american, who have combined forces in order to fight crime in 'da ghetto'.
person 1: "so what did you get up to last night?"
person 2: "well we were going to try and steal a llama but we got taken down by the poob"
by Shaniqua123 January 21, 2013
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evolved from the term noob- meaning basically the same thing. a poob- one who is annoying, sucks, or anything else not good associated with computer games. originates from the Elite Squad that plays Joint Operations.
I cant believe that James is such a POOB! He killed his own teammate!
by Es.Snake May 21, 2005
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can be used in many different parts of speech and considered a curse word in most american towns. originating from the intricate pallendromes boob and poop. two young and intelligent scholars created this word to unify the two legendary elementary school no nos to create a super curse for all immature beings to use at their disposale.
bobby-"jane, ur a poobing poobed up whore."
jane-"well bobby! you can go poobing shove youre poob up youre own poobing ass!"
teacher-"shut the poob up you poobing brats!"
by dr. poop and dr. boob September 2, 2005
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a name given to a girl who has big boobs and eats lots of pizza.
pizza boobs.
step-mom: "Cindie, you need to stop eating so much pizza, your boobs are getting too big."
friend: "HA HA, Cindie's got poobs!"
by starfish September 11, 2004
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The best gaming clan of all time. The Players Of Outstanding 'Bility. Correctly spelled PO0B
Wow! I was just accepted into the ultra famous gaming clan POOB!
by Arcaya November 27, 2022
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Girl2: "I have a what...?"
Girl1: *picks it off*
by iiiMouse!!! January 26, 2010
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