to walk up to someone, fart, and walk away like nothing ever happend, leaving the victim to smell the fart.
Rich just totally Zoned that lady! I smelt it from here!
by Bobby41 March 3, 2008
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An Atlanta Police Department patrol area that break Atlanta into different regions.
Zone 1: Westside
Zone 2: Northside
Zone 3: Southwest A.K.A. S.W.A.T.S. Da Bricks
Zone 4: Southside
Zone 5: Downtown
Zone 6: Eastside

Niggas dat don't believe. Check out I know for a fact zone 3 is not southeast or considered College Park or EP, thats zone 4 buddy
by Mr. Jackson Da Bad Guy July 13, 2008
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to be in the "zone"
-plastered, stoned, feeeling good
by zahooone October 22, 2003
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1) Used to express a state of extreme relaxation

2) To describe a certain individual's personality

3) Indulging in the use of marijuana

4) Used to describe the effects of marijuana on an individual
eg. 1) "I just want to zone after exams"

eg. 2) "Ah swear, he real zone"

eg. 3) "Am gonna zone dawg!"

eg. 4) guy1: "What happened to him?"
guy2: "he hit sum kush a whle ago, nw he just zone"
by guyfromtrini June 12, 2011
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A state which one enters when they are on a good one, due to drugs, alcohol, or music.
Two girls are drinking and listening to The Gorillaz.
One girl can't seem to get the other to focus on the conversation, because the other girl just wants to dance.

Convo Girl: "Are you in the zone?"

Dance Girl: "Yes."
by Gold Lady August 17, 2010
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A cannabis strain with a low to low/med THC content. Dominatly a sativa over indica. Commonly known as zona or Arizona because of which the strain geographicly derived and still produced today from the state of Arizona. Zone is normally green with brown tricome hairs, miniscule seed production, and thrives in extreme heat. Plant itself has tall and thick stocks. A distinct smell, almost earthly taste, and budget prices makes it perfect to making edibles or low on funds.
Yo call up your connect. I'm broke and need some zone to smoke before bed.
by Kush954 October 18, 2015
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A really shitty album by a skank.
Kevin: Dude, why do you have a fucking Britney Spears album in your car?
Jason: It's not mine, it's my sister's. Besides, I jerk off to the pictures.
by Wang Newton January 17, 2005
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