Of or relating to the female genetalia.
Why that dirty bitch! I'm gonna boot her in the box!
by Tom Thamuz September 2, 2003
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A thing you do driving which includes you turning a right on the street you are driving on, then taking another right, and another, and another, so you are making a "box." Often used when you think some one is tailing you. If the person behind you is still following you, drive to a crowded, lighted area and call 911.
"Man, I think there's a serial killer trying to follow us home."

"Oh, use The Box. Just in case...."
by SkylerJ December 31, 2011
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The music channel that was replaced by MTV2, and played music videos nonstop, no commercials and played what you called in and requested.

it was the shit.
"put on the box because MTV sucks"
by umm Amanda August 19, 2005
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The feeling of being boxed is when you're in a little weed hole and cant get your self out of it, usually the result from smoking too much cannabis.
Friend - "Dude... im fucking boxed"
Me - "Yea bro ride it out"
by Kujaftw June 9, 2013
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A game most commonly played by stoners. It begins when someone is noticeably high, And another person takes their hands and holds then parallel- vertical to the other person's face and states: "You're in the box." All other people who are in the circle, Then start lip- synching words to make the one in "The Box' Think that no one can hear them, To give the appearance of actually being in a box.
Bill: "Dood, Today we TOTALLY effed with this guy."
Ben: "Really, How?"
Bill: "We put him in the box for like, Three hours!"
Ben: "Holy shit, Man, That's ridiculous."
by Velvet Tuberose June 21, 2009
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Greatest sport of all time, involves great mental and physical strength. The sweet science.
by phattest of the phat April 27, 2005
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