Originates from:

to be the recipient of a gang related drive by shooting from a mercedies benz

can also be spelt "Merked" because it is usually spoken by illiterate chavs
"Wheres my Fucking Money!!!!"
"um...... i lost it?"
"you are gonna get merced"

"you iz getin merked bruv ennit"
by nuttahhh February 24, 2008
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To masterbate/jackoff to video games with controller in hand
Hey guys I'm bout to merc on you're ass
by Kyle smiles February 15, 2010
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1. to get hit or hit someone else with a car or larger automobile
2. to wreak other havoc to an object (comparable to that of a person being hit by a car)
1a. damn, TOM got merced by a bus and his shit's all fucked up now.

1b. i'm about to merc that stupid bitch standin in the middle of the road.

2. i threw a party, and those assholes merced my house with pasta sauce.
by ringzhz April 11, 2006
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The best scorer in the AM.
Yo we gotta stop Merc he killing us.
by szn 4 Zion August 25, 2019
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To Not help out with daily chores.
The kitchen is a mess, " Oh, it must have been Merced"
by Sir Merc A Lot January 1, 2008
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Like when you feel something so good.
or also
When you murder something
That female give me good head that felt like merc.
or also
I merc that video game to level 100.
by J to da P July 5, 2004
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A complete slut who goes from clan to clan without ever playing with any skill what so ever
ref to jew
Hey guys can i join your clan
Im in 1st now
by Anonymous August 12, 2003
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