Of a person, human being that has no friends whatsoever and maybe no family. They are alone. Alone... No company, no body waiting at home, no one. They don't necessarily like being alone, or having no company OR maybe they do, ^All of the above was basically my meaning of a HARDCORE loner. But Loners typically means of a person maybe in a some kind of situation where they are alone or typically at schools or any social environments. Maybe loners like to be alone, choose to be alone or don't mind it. But others don't and wonder why things are the way they are...
Hardcore loner- ALONE
Typically loner- lol, I'm alone ( yawn )
by exploding air plane 6969 July 24, 2017
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A "Loner" is a perfectly good Boner, with nobody around to enjoy it but yourself.
When Jessy went to work I was left wit.h a raging Loner
by NorwegianWood October 31, 2011
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There are two types of loners. One is someone who likes being alone. Two is a lady boner. Boner is for boys and loner is for girls. Lady boner, put them together it makes loner.
Omg that guy is so hot I think I got a lonerrrr!!!
by Rochar December 31, 2018
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Someone who is lonely and has no girlfriend or friends
Bob:hello wall
Wall:fuck off bob no one likes a loner
by Dat Boi Umadbru May 20, 2017
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A person with no friends, A person who wishes to be left alone
Person 1:"Look at the loner over there hasn't he got any friends"?,

Person 2: "I tried to make friends with him yesterday but he comes across as a weirdo so I'm staying away

"They say the kid that shot up the school was a loner with no friends and was picked on most of his schooling life
by Harry69 April 20, 2011
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