The act of planting your hand on the face of a moron.Closely related to a facepalm except damage is inflicted on another individual. It can be used yo replace a facepalm, to break up with someone, or when someone least expects it to lighten a mood. When you use this tactic on a anyone for any reason you must simultaneusly shout "LEMUR TO THE FACE!"
bill:"yo ted good job getting that new sewage inspector job!"
by remdawgv July 21, 2010
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When a male has so much pubic hair his penis looks like a bushy lemur.
Hey did you hear John has a bushy lemur?
by SwegMaster888888 September 25, 2016
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The act of painting a small rodent black and white (like a lemur tail) and inserting ones dong inside it's bum and out it's mouth. Then screwing some hot babe with it on your lap rocket.
Guy 1: "So how did prom go?"
Guy 2: "It was going good until her mom asked me to give her a Stretch Lemur, then It went great!"
by Silent Z 91 April 27, 2011
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A very small and hairy mexican, generally with a high and squeaky voice.
Yo man, did you see that taco lemur? Man, he was tiny!
by Ding_Dong_Long_Schlong December 12, 2016
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Construct used to describe an impossibly difficult and annoying thing to obtain that one immediately regrets upon finally succeeding. Catching a greased lemur is nearly impossible and extremely frustrating. They are slippery and moody and bite. Greased up, they are even more of a nightmare. And when you finally catch it, you have a hairy, exhausted disgusting oily lemur. Great. Hooray for me.

Not entirely dissimilar to a pyrrhic victory.
Dude, she's a greased lemur what are you doing? You're going to hate yourself when you finally get her.
by beeuhnay April 28, 2016
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When your hair is just so messed up your convinced that a lemur visited you in the night and molested the shit out of your hair.
Bobby woke up with a crazy lemur lick
by That lemur May 22, 2017
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My ex-girlfriend is ambidextrous; she could type 35 words per minute with her right hand while shining the lemur with her left hand until climax.
by shinylemur June 6, 2011
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