THe shit that comes out of my dick when I feel turned on.
"I realised my supply of milk was running low, so I just made some homemade milk "
by Bubba_The_Retard June 23, 2006
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Draco Malfoy's version of the Dark Mark, as seen in A Very Potter Musical. It is a smiley face with a snake coming out drawn on someone's forearm.
I was bored in social studies today so I drew a Homemade Dark Mark on my arm. I got seven high fives from strangers.
by Winky the House Elf April 8, 2010
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When you shove a cactus between your neighbours buttocks after he or she abused your doorbell a myriad of times until their behind turns to mush.
1) Time to mash me some arse!

2) That fuckwit again? He must be craving some homemade mashed arse!
by Lord Bubba May 3, 2017
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possibly the most controversial fanfiction ever written, literally includes every trigger warning ever.
"did you read dream's homemade catboy?"
"yeah man I'm traumatised"
by froghatguy March 22, 2021
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When your giving doggie style, you pull out and theirs shit on your dick you have your girl suck it then swallow all of it. Repeat as many times nessesary until anus is clean.
My girlfriend's mom invited me over for dinner and for dessert ; homemade brownies!
by Bob bobo October 3, 2009
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the sex doll which is produced after months of saving up one's shit and then sculpting it into the shape of a woman. the doll is usually destroyed while making love to it for the first time because of its delicate nature. the user of the doll will usually contract many diseases from the experience.
hey man, i finished my homemade sex doll this morning, im going home for a root!
by stia-styles June 27, 2007
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A bottle full of piss. When a guy pees in a bottle and is to lazy to throw it away.
Jenny "Eew is that piss in a bottle?!"

John" No, its Homemade Apple Juice , I made it myself, you want to taste it?*
Jenny" no that's just gross"
by Citychick213 December 21, 2016
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