Author. Almost as likely to get you into Eastern philosophy as J. D. Salinger.
"Dude, I read Siddhartha by Herman Hesse the other day and now I wanna be Buddhist."
by EdgarM. November 7, 2007
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1. A band famous for "I'm Into Something Good", "I'm Henry the VIII I Am", "There's a Kinda of Hush", and "Mrs. Brown, You've Got a Lovely Daughter".

2. Something akin to sex without love for hardcore Beatles fans.
Hardcore Beatles Fan #1: Hey, do you wanna listen to Revolver?
Hardcore Beatles Fan #2: Y'know, I don't really think that my mind can handle being blown like that right now. How about Herman's Hermits?
by soundandfury April 8, 2008
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A gay friend that loves Naruto and is often obese. He also likes Tai-jutsu but he sucks at it.
Friend: Hey Herman. NARUTO
Herman: Chidori! fuck yeah boy!
Friend: I hate my life. *commits suicide*
by smertieboi 2.0 February 21, 2019
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Herman Li: the worlds only living paradox. The lead guitarist for the speed-power-metal band Dragonforce. Shreds notes that do not even exist on a guitar's fretboard, able to hit 103.5 nps (Notes Per Second), only to have ever been beaten by Jesus himself, with an average of 105.6 nps. Along with Sam Totman, they create solos that have actually been recorded to launch multi-dimensional black holes from the top frets of their guitars. On one such occasion, Herman's pick actually started melting somewhere around 00:37 seconds into their track "Fury of the Storm" He then quickly ripped the zipper off of his fly and continued playing for the rest of the song. Unfortunately, half way through their solo, despite the zippers rest by Herman tapping, it started to spark,
actually igniting a fans hair. Nevertheless, he continued playing. At around 5:16, when Herman performed a "dive bomb" effect, the croud noticed the guitars strings to have actually "bent" into the top 20 frets. The croud suspected they were just seeing things, but by around 5:32, the bend had become bigger, and Herman's own hair started getting sucked into what seemed to be, -quote- "A mini vortex of awesomeness" As the solo continued, the hole got larger and larger, but the headbanging got stronger and stronger, until a little child was actually sucked out of his mothers arms and launched into the hole.
Other uses of the word "Herman Li" can be used as following
-"I just so Herman Li'ed the song" Meaning you hit absolutely every note in a Dragonforce song while being drunk.
-"You so just got Herman Li'ed" Meaning as in a guitar duel, you got absolutely annihalated by Herman Li or Jesus.

The word Herman Li cannot be used by many, as it is almost impossible to play anywhere near half as fast and good as him.
by trickshot9 June 24, 2007
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More commonly known as Lorenz. Honestly the highlight of middle school. Says “ The bell doesn’t dismiss you” religiously. Has more hair on his chest than his head. His Best friends name is usually Reem. Jealous of Reem, because she’s smarter, and higher on the food chain. Has a dank asthetic. looks like the dad in cloudy with a chance of meatballs. Always wears this safari lookin hat and blue shirts with khakis. Never grew out of superhero’s. Dad probably didn’t give him enough attention. Is scary at times. Feeds off of little kids fears. You’ve probably had a nightmare or two about him, and he loves it. Probably a legend on tinder.
Lorenz is on the top of the food chain. Mr Herman Can kick your ass in Tae Kwando any day. Says he won’t, but certainly will hunt you down for labs. Remodels train stations during breaks. Gets of topic faster than you can say kabob. Volunteers to monitor detention, just cause he likes to see kids suffer.
by Sakura Miller October 16, 2018
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A former childs love who got caught for masturbating in the XXX theater publicly. Can be known as a verb for masturbating.
Damn that guy was doing peewee herman at 85 MPH!
by McCareins81JETS December 24, 2004
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Herman Li is one of the two guitarists in the band Dragonforce. His guitar playing on the Dragonforce records is known for being quite fast, but he is regarded as not being able to reproduce his solos well live. He is also known for making music inspired by video games, such as Pac-Man, and Super Mario, as well as being able to reproduce other odd noises in his guitar. This has sparked many over-dubbed parody videos on youtube.
Herman Li loves t3h A Major 7 LOLKATZ!!!1!one!!!11@@222twenty-two@2
by metalhobo4663 August 26, 2007
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