This happens on a discord server called Shell League, which is full of socially awkward teenagers where they go when having existential despair. The gulag of this server happens when a bitch ass retard mod puts you on time out for only being underage or attempting to locate an underage child to fuck for fun. Also can have discord sex with children if lazy enough.
by League Mail#3572 July 6, 2020
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The act of pissing on a person's grave.
"Have you gone to the presidential graveyard?"

"I went to give them all some Gulag Vodka last week!"
by Xalterai April 10, 2023
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Gulaged means to be sent into the stratosphere or to be ejected into the abyss, and it means to be sent beyond the bounds of earths atmosphere
1. the T-80 gulaged the car so hard the car liquified in earth's atmosphere.
2. The man ran so fast he didn't realize he gulaged himself
by GulagMaker47 October 24, 2020
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To be sent beyond the bounds of the universe aka (to be yeeted where the sun don't shine)
1. That Russian T-80 Gulaged the Panzer lll into orbit
2. The man was Gulaged into orbit
by GulagMaker47 October 24, 2020
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Verb, meaning to send someone to a gulag.
-Hey Vladimir , did you hear that Anton got gulaged?
-Fucking capitalist scum ,he deserved it
by dadriva October 7, 2017
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When your team member is dead and they try to tell you how to play Gulag
Person1: Bruh he was on your left you could've shot him easily....

Person2: Shut the fuck up you're being a Backseat Gulag
by KhandabarIndia May 4, 2020
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a group of oldfag frenchie niggers who couldn't cope when spawn got a bit wet so got horny and built pubes
wow gulag gang is dead!d
by gite December 28, 2022
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