Gangsta cat. A cat that is gangsta as fuck. Pimp daddy kitty cat.
Floopies be smackin hoes
by Floopy G May 27, 2018
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The feeling of being weak in the knees; having butterflies in your stomach
Person 1:“You’re so cute, your gamer tag should be ‘the cutest person ever’”
Person 2:“Stoooppp you’re making me floopy!”
by wilbowaggins November 22, 2019
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To floop. To be like Kerribear! to be sleepy and making no sense ATALL. but still refusing to sleep! :D
'baaaaby, im floooopy! floopy !'
by thisisNOTtom. October 23, 2009
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A slur towards Jewish people made in WW2.
I hate all the floopy people here.
by leaton May 6, 2022
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Something that is pathetic or sad. Can also be used to describe something that is unsatifactory
person 1: How did your date go?
person 2: The guy was really floopy.
by 08peep December 8, 2019
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The feeling you get after stuffing ur face with MacDonalds or some other greasy junk shit
Ahh God I shouldn't have devoured those three pizzas. I feel so floopy. Whyyyy
by Maya808 November 23, 2021
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Fur or fluff that is wavy in appearance.
Golden Retrievers can grow long, floopy fur.
by Bazwax September 3, 2023
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