Cant be bothered - shortened to cun bud dud - eventually resulting in CUN BUD - said lots in relation to being stoned as a bastard
i cun bud to get up im too high
by Man cabbage July 15, 2003
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The Cun-isher is an anti-hero character who employs vigilante style punishment on all vaginas in his path. Master of Sex. Driven by the desire to copulate, he is making his way around the world; ferociously ripping cunts with Wolverine-style rage. He is without mercy, without remorse and without discrimination……no one is safe.

The Cun-isher is cunning and quick-witted. He will make you feel deep pleasure followed by searing pain. Once your senses have recovered, it’s too late…..your vagina resembles that of a crime scene and you’ve been ruined for all men.

His super power is a Keen detection of the vagina; with one lick he is able to detect:

• Ethnicity
• Menstrual Cycle
• Last Sexual Encounter
Last meal
Uterine Fibroids

The Cun-isher has been known to cause blindness in some victims. If you’ve come across this beast, you should seek help from a trained professional. Once the bleeding has stopped, some victims have been known to need vaginal reconstruction and years of therapy.

Woman Beware! He is hard to spot, frequents bars and goes by the name Neil.
I has sex with this guy last night, his penis was massive and he ripped my vagina like The Cun-isher.
by Cun-isher Victim e* December 4, 2011
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someone who is fluent in many languages and has the gift of the gab!
by bbtoots April 24, 2003
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This is a two step maneuver - to engage in anal intercourse, in which before a coming occurs, the receiver returns the favor by immediately trying to suck a fart (their own fart) out of the administer's penis!
"Last night we went ass to mouth, and before I knew what had happened, she was high off of her cunning whippet"
by Cressticular Fortitude May 14, 2010
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People who prey on other people, to abuse them for personal benefits and gratification. CDM's lie and perform indirect evil ploys to get what they want regardless of ethics and professionalism. Lying, deceit, backstabbing comes natural to these smart yet dangerous individuals who do all that and try to appear harmless, cordial and friendly.

You are lucky if you can spot the manipulation. Animals are without much choice over their actions. They have an instinct to eat and survive. However, Cunning Deceitful Manipulators CHOOSE to manipulate, hurt, and do whatever it takes to “win” at the expense of others.

Be vigilant; It can be at work, at home, or among friends and relatives. CDM's catch you in your low emotional state. As if they smell it. CDM's are very subtle, and hide behind circumstances, so they are seldom caught. They attack you but without you knowing where the attack came from.
Cunning Deceitful Manipulators (CDM's)
Sample Sentence #1 - If someone, CONSISTENTLY, makes you feel inferior, not worthy, or make you feel less confident of yourself, this MIGHT BE a sign that you are dealing with an Cunning Deceitful Manipulator.

The gentlemen from this video link Coined the phrase Cunning Deceitful Manipulators and need to be credited. Video REF: "How to Deal with Cunning Deceitful Manipulative People"

Why I am passionate about this?

Sample Sentence #2 - My Ex-wife is a Cunning Deceitful Manipulator, meaning her picture should be next to the definition, but that would break the rules and she doesn't care about rules because of her disorder. There is no cure, but steer clear of, avoidance is your best safety-net.
by Wonka100 December 17, 2015
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A man that rides around the seas on a rowing boat and also likes to eat the fine vag and get the juices flowing.
Old man: i used to be a fine cunning linguist and loves the pussy juice.

Dein fuhrer: true that mate, a cunning linguist of the high seas if ever there was one.
by bad man tings March 26, 2011
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1) The part of a kitchen faucet that needs to be cleaned for better water pleasure

2) The part of a women's who whoha that opens when you excited her
by September 15, 2022
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