A drug addict who injects heroin from a hot spoon heated by a lighter.
Someone call an ambulance! That's spoon cooker needs the narcan!
by RICER RYYYYYY August 24, 2017
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The Blackhawk helicopter, aka Crash-hawk, as it relates to that chopper's propensity to crash or have a "hard-landing" for no particular reason, and then summarily catch fire and/or explode so as the helicopter's occupants, usually hapless army light-infantrymen, are burned and roasted into crisy-critters.
"Another Ranger-cooker went down outside BIAP yesterday:
One-team of Rangers trapped-inside,
One-team of Rangers kentucky-fried."

by goodcop8 January 7, 2007
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A bowl shaped, reflective disk that uses the sun’s heat to cook food or other such items.
Look up solar cooker on the internet
by Benjamin Nieuwsma February 23, 2005
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A hot tub, preferrably a 6 person. Used for the purpose of marinating and disinfecting such prostitutes.
That's just not cool that you're taking the credit for Hooker Cooker. #1 You could have told the true story that Mr. D told you he was planning a New Years Eve party dunking his favorites friends in his 6 person Hooker Cooker and #2 To my knowledge, you don't HAVE a Hooker Cooker!

My bad Mr. D! It was just funny as hell.
by wonhotho January 2, 2010
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A sexual position, where the woman bent over like a cooker and the man inserts his penis into the woman, very much like the word "doggy style".
I'll be doing the cooker beat with her tonight mate.
by Nicholas Embleton - Jamie Gray November 18, 2008
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Northern English slang term for a game of snooker.
Bob : Game of Darts Dave?
Dave : No thats a game for girlies, lets have some gas cooker.
by Disco147 October 21, 2008
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One who... cooks socks.
'I would like to cook your sock, may I switch round your letters hunnni?'
by Ant December 5, 2004
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