1. when you don't have chocolate for ages usualy months at a time and then u have a peice of choccolate and get overcome with it an want more and more

2. when you don't have choccolate for ages you have one and you then experience a 'mini orgasm' this is actually proved by scientists that havin no chocolate for long periods of time and then havein some can give a sexual high.
person 1: Omg havent had chocolate in ages so i went for some, had it and ive never felt anythin like it!! almost felt sexual lol

person2: sounds like you have had a choc shock :L
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You're such a choc-box.
by Anonymous March 31, 2003
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the descprition of a guys penis after giving anal sex and it comes out covered in shit.
ash: hey tan gave my bf a total choc ice last night
tan: ew have a word with your self you dutty person
by msMinaj June 11, 2012
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When you stick the head of your penis in a persons rectum while the person needs to defecate and then pull out, offering them the choc-top for $1 at the drive thru.
'Jeremy totally got a choc-top from me last night'
by ItIsITheStinker January 1, 2017
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When you fuck her in the arse with her used tampon and dip it in her bloody pussy and then in her shitty arse on repeat until she comes
I was round at Susan's the other night and I gave her a strawberry choc dip 😋
by Working Class Hero January 2, 2021
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Brown on the outside, pink on the inside – what you see when you eat a black chick’s pussy out or if she teases you using the open piss-flap technique.
I saw Vanessa Blue in Black Reign - jeepers dude, when she pulled her bacon strips apart, thats the biggest strawberry choc ice I ever saw.

Beyonce "eat my strawberry choc ice" Knowles
by Richnirvana June 25, 2009
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