To fail so hard at something that should have been so easy.
That nigga got kicked out of school 2 weeks before graduation, Epic Fail.
by Aarian September 30, 2010
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When someone attempts to be cool or do something for another person's entertainment and truly screws up their task into something that results in anger, uncontrollable laughter, or pity to the other person.
<Playing World of Warcraft>

-Guy 1- Dude I'm gonna try and fly all the way to the top of the map and remount before I hit the group, total hxc!

-Guy 2- It's not gonna work...

<Guy 1 falls for 30 sec straight and hits the ground dying on impact>

-Guy who was walking past the road and saw some random person spalt- Epic Fail! ROFL
by James K. Taylor March 27, 2008
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When you do something wrong soo badly, you fail it COMPLETELY.
"Did you see Randy trying to put that radio in his car?"
"That was an Epic FAIL!"
by Laura OBrien November 28, 2009
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Sedrik in Heroic ramps as the tank.

'Man that was an epic fail'

'No. Sedrik in heroic ramps is epic fail.
by boris929 December 21, 2008
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Obama, Pelosi and all the other idiots who passed or supported this abomination of a health care bill. This is a disgrace to America.
John: Obama's health care bill just passed.

Derek: Great, we all just got an Alabama hot pocket from congress... epic fail
by ATRUEAmerican March 22, 2010
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