The discharge a girl has when she is on her period and has a yeast infection at the same time
Alissa was so horny she couldn't wait to eat out her girlfriend. Alissa didn't care that her girlfriend was on her rag and didn't know she had a yeast infection, so she got a taste of thousand island dressing.
by cookiesandtits March 6, 2014
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Someone who thinks they are hip, while in reality being outdated and foolish. From the song "Boom Boom Pow" by the Black Eyed Peas.
"They try copy my swagger
I'm on that next shit now
I'm so three thousand and eight
You so Two-thousand and late"
by Greif. February 16, 2010
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when poop breaks off halfway out of your ass and you wipe away at the stump as if it were a wet pastel poking out of your asshole.
I wont be coming to work today as I've been cursed by the shit of a thousand wipes.
by Lunicus January 25, 2007
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Originally a popular video parody on YouTube and 4chan using characters from the nineties Japanese cartoon; DragonBall Z. The video took 15 seconds of episode footage, and dragged it over a minute and fifty seconds, producing a very repetitive effect. It is now used as an adjective synonymous with "cool" "great" "too hard" or to express the extreme circumstances in a situation.
"I started taking piano lessons, at first I sucked, but now I'm OVER NINE THOUSAND."

"No matter what I try, I just can't kill this stupid boss! IT'S OVER NINE THOUSAND! I give up!"
by Riketz October 28, 2006
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To stare blankly while deeply in thought as if you were looking a thousand miles away.
Usually brought on by a stressful event or situation, causing one to block out their surroundings and stare off into nothing.

To Space out or Daydream

Also called the 1000 Yard Stare
"Look at Billy and that Thousand Mile Stare he's locked in - It's a shame he lost his friend in battle."
by AnT-TonY S. July 12, 2008
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A faux jutsu used by Kakashi-sensei in the anime Naruto. The technique basically consists of the user sneaking behind the anime, sticking his/her index fingers into the enemy's anus and thrusting the enemy into the air, hence a thousand years of pain.

Naruto later customizes this technique. Instead of thrusting the enemy into the air, Naruto leaves a firebomb in the enemy's anus.
Proctologist: "Ok, this is going to feel a bit weird."

Patient: "What the fuck, doc? Are you trying to do the THOUSAND YEARS OF PAIN on me or what?"
by DesPERRYado October 15, 2005
Its what Vegeta's scouter says about Kakorat's power level.
Nappa: Vegeta, whats the scouter say about his power level?
by 2-D June 14, 2007
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