word to be used after someone does a crap punchline
Angus: your gay
Donald: your mums gay
Dylan: ZING!
by annnnnnngus January 25, 2009
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If someone makes an absolutely awful joke, or says something completely random or pointless. One member of the group may "zing" them.
This works best if done during the awkward silence after the joke/comment.
The zinger may also point with an open palm, fingers first at the joke/comment maker while zinging them for effect.
George: Hey guess what guys...last night we were having dinner right, and my mother, the silly oaf, burnt my pizza!!........(expecting laughter from the group)

Andy: (waitin a few seconds for the awkward silence to take hold.......ZING!!!!! (while pointing wih open palm)

Rest of Group: (laughter and general abuse directed at joke maker)
by lawrencejames March 3, 2007
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Funyy yet gay or retarted refering to Bobby
Bobby is soo Zing Zing Zing Bah.
by Lucky13 October 15, 2004
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The feeling one gets after a nice line of blow.

Euphoric feeling you get after snorting.
Example 1:

Subject A: *snort* *snort*

Subject B: How is it?

Subject A: ZING!

Example 2:

by Snorterman March 1, 2011
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The act of sabotage on one's computer when they go away for a short or long period of time. The actions you can tke include:

-removal of the mouse ball
-unplugging power cords
-turning off of one's monitor
-adjusting the brightness and contrast on the monitor so the monitor appears to be off
-opening multiple error windows
-opening of CD drives
-unplugging of mouses/keyboards
-opening a internet porno site
"Damn, you jackasses zinged me..."
by Jimmi April 11, 2005
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(Interjection) A word used when a joke is only funny to the person that tells said joke and has no real relevance to the conversation currently at hand.
Guy 1: Man, that burrito I had last night was awesome!

Guy 2: Yeah, just like your mom!

Guy 1: Zing...
by Jewcore February 21, 2009
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A brief Sexual Encounter sometimes followed by breakfast, but not always.

An attractive person of the opposite sex

A slutty or whoreish person (sometimes)
"Look, there go a couple of ZINGS!"
"So did you ZING that girl last night or what?"
by MarzBarz12 January 23, 2009
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