When grinding on a male SO low that his penis rests on your head.
by Unicorn princess. September 21, 2013
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Go to a fast food place like maccas, order a soft serve cone then ask the person if the believe in unicorns and stick the cone on your forhead saying believe(best done in the drive thru)
jack and bob when unicorning at maccas
by cheese&crackers September 28, 2012
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The act of taping a beer can to a passed out friend's forehead. Accomplished with one empty beer can some tape.
Jon: Jaeger got unicorned and the fag is sitting on his face.

Teggs: Sucks to be him.
by NJITdrinksFACE July 2, 2010
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Young girls that have three ways with couples (woman and a man)
Hubbie and I are still looking for our Unicorn..
by april February 16, 2004
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a fluffy animal that is believed to be mythical, and is usually known to be rainbow, sparkly, fluffy, pink, etc.
unicorns are the best thing in the world!
by santicorncob February 15, 2018
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When a startup company hits a market cap of $1 billion
Did you hear that Vox is a unicorn startup?
by $Guru February 1, 2018
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Colloquial; Synonym for hot bi babe or HBB, often derogatory, condescending, or ironic. A bisexual person, usually though not always female, who is willing to join an existing couple, often with the presumption that this person will date and become sexually involved with both members of that couple, and not demand anything or do anything which might cause problems or inconvenience to that couple.

The term is often used to be dismissive of a couple seen to be only superficially polyamorous. Because of the demands that this type of couple places on the woman (that she be single and not take on any additional partners, and become involved with both members of the couple equally, and often "complete" their family as a surrogate mother and housekeeper and/or breadwinner and not do anything that may threaten or disrupt the existing couple), many in the poly community call this type of woman a "unicorn", as in mythical and not likely to be found, even though there are plenty of bipoly women around.

Sometimes the unicorn is expected to not develop any emotional attachment and is strictly there for a sexual relationship (equally distributed to both members of the dyad) and/or is prescripted as a secondary. This term is used as a reminder that bipoly women are people with their own desires, needs, and pre-existing lives, and not fantasy figures or pets. See related prescriptive vs. descriptive.
John wants a single, attractive woman who will love and have sex equally with him and his wife, but not interfere with their marriage, move in together, help raise their kids but not have any of her own, and not have any other partners. He's looking for something that doesn't exist - he's looking for a unicorn!
by Joreth April 9, 2010
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