I believe in the UK a "billion" means a million millions (e.g. 10^12 rather than 10^9)
by bob February 7, 2005
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A derisive term for computer geeks who proffer 3 fundamental beliefs:
1) Microsoft can do no wrong and is right and admirable to pursue dominance by any means necessary.
2) There are NO other viable computing/development platforms.
3) That successful marketing by Microsoft has not influenced their computing/technology choices.

The term "Billion" is a combination of 'Bill' (Bill Gates, Microsoft co-founder and it's most recognizable face) and 'Legion'. So, "billion" = "Bill's Legions." Also, it's a play on the idea that such people eagerly add billions of dollars to Mr. Gates' fortunes.
"His anti-Open Source tirade was spoken like a true Billion."
"My life as a Billion has not been without it's share of viruses and installation headaches."
"No self-respecting Billion would be caught dead using a Macintosh."
by Adisa November 9, 2004
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How many people Lex Luthor is going to kill.
Lois Lane: But millions of people will die!
Lex Luthor: BILLIONS!
by Your Dad367347543567 September 24, 2006
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America and most other non-british-colonized countries (let's not debate about that): 1,000,000,000
: 1 thousand Million

Australia, The Uk etc. : 1,000,000,000,000
: 1 Million Million
"In America it is easier to make a billion dollars then in Australia"
by KinGAleX March 22, 2005
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To make something a billion times better.
Chet: I was unsatisfied with my Lambo, so I billionized it with gold plating.
Phil: Thats...an interesting choice.
by The Billionizer July 28, 2018
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Most everywhere: One thousand millions;

Also meant to exaggerate.
I've seen that movie a billion times.
by Will October 2, 2003
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In English speaking countries means 10^9, in all other languages and countries except Brazilian Portuguese means 10^12. This is because English speaking nations use the short scale, where new notation is used when multiplied by 1000, rather than the long scale where its when multiplied by a million.
In English speaking countries, a billion times a thousand is a trillion. In non English speaking countries, a billion times a thousand is a billiard, which times a thousand THEN becomes a trillion.
by munney October 28, 2007
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