a person who consumes a high does of xanax or several bars and falls asleep, only to awake hours later in a strange place with no memory of the trip. Often times, the trip is on an airplane, train, or roadtrip.
"so i got on the plane in NY popped a bar, next thing i knew i was in germany.WTF, where was the movie, or the hot stewerdess?"

"you my friend are a time traveling ghost rider."
by milfandcookies June 11, 2008
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a popular digital-only chess variant that costs $7.91 on steam, and also the greatest mindfuck besides quantum mechanics
me: have you played 5d chess with multiverse time travel?
you: no
me: me neither :(
by d0nu7m4n January 4, 2022
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To eat Wendy's breakfast food for lunch, because you were brilliant enough to stop there before work that morning and buy more food than you could eat for breakfast. A technique usually practiced by those who wish breakfast food was served at Wendy's 24 hrs/day.
Guy 1: You coming to lunch?
Guy 2: (takes a bite of breakfast) Nope, egg n' sausage time travel baby!
Guy 1: What the hell is a gigawatt!?
by Gunslinga July 28, 2008
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(Noun, Verb, Adj)-A Facebook Time Traveler is a phrase used to describe an married or single individual who will take the liberty to stalk former classmates' walls in an effort to eventually pursue them. An influx of Facebook messages or a request for one's cell number is typically a standard operating procedure.
So, Jimmy is acting like a Facebook Time-Traveler ! I mean, what's up with the Love bombing??? He messaged me like 5 times asking me if I remembered our Biology class after study hall?? He also said that "I was the one that got away"? Wtf does this mean after all these years? It's kinda creepy. Ewe, he's married too! Oh boy, I may have to block him.
by Cappy C February 6, 2023
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When you take pcp, acid and heroine at the same time
Hi Janine it's eric haha gotchu with the Jedi time travel
by Ericsosexy September 21, 2017
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When a child usually between 11 and 15 that plays video games and convinces himself that he is doing the right thing for his life and that everything else such as homework or friends is irrelevant, hence years and years go by and he only left his room to go take a shit only to realize that he is now 17 and he should've listened to his mother.
Bob: i'M 17 years old did I really just waste 4 years of my life playing World Of Warcraft?
Joe: Yeah dude you wen't through a Gaming Time Travel.
Bob: My posture is all fucked up now and my ass smells from the computer seat.
by Darte March 31, 2016
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Means you completely blacked out
“What happened last night at after the awards?” We had a time travel nights
by Johnnymeat August 29, 2019
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