a man that likes music but isn't good at playing music. Can be a huge asshole, but will come around to make you kind of happy. Also they're a bit fruity.
Bro stop acting like a Luigy.
by BruhSoundEffect#69 November 16, 2017
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A boy who loves with all his heart. A boy who doesn't know the word selfish or harm. A boy who will make sure that your always happy, and would go to the ends of the earth for your love. A boy who will always have your heart till the end of time.
cristina loves luigi so much.
by Cristina a.k.a crissy May 10, 2005
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A dump. A shit. A poop. So to speak, Luigi is Number 2.
My dog took a Luigi on the carpet!
by Sitbear July 14, 2019
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In golf, a putt longer than the length of the flagstick. See also guido
Now THAT a mufughin' luigi!
by Kid Fury October 28, 2004
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