the greatest instrument ever invented. those who play it are very talented and are bound to be liked by all.
jimi hendrix MASTERED guitar. unlike people who are in "bands" today.
by isaac mayfield April 14, 2006
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Possibly the best instrument ever, it can be used in just about any style of music, and virtually an ENDLESS amount of tones can be achieved on electric guitar by changing your amplifier, pickups, amp settings, adding effect pedals, etc etc. Individual playing style also affects your sound which most people aren't willing to accept. You won't sound like your idol even if you are using exactly the same equipment.

Also, an instrument which practically everyone in the world claims to play, yet only a precious few are any good at it. Just because you can play power chords, tune in drop-d, or get weird sounds using a ton of effects, doesn't make you a decent guitarist (don't get me wrong, there are a lot of interesting things that can be played in alternate tunings including drop-d that can't be done in standard tuning, but that isn't usually why they are used).

Nowadays companies such as Warmoth allow players to build custom guitars that will look and sound the way they want, however a basic knowledge of tone woods is required and they don't guarantee that the guitar will sound good when put together.
I thought playing the guitar was supposed to get you laid. Damn, I must be really ugly.
by Nick Ekström January 18, 2007
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The sexiest instrument there is.
Often nerds use them to get laid.
Eg: "Damn look at that guitar, man he's sexy now!"
by miss.understood September 28, 2004
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A rarely used musical instrument in rock and popular music.
Guitarist #1: Ok let's form a rock band. We need two electric guitarists; four acoustic guitarists; three bass guitarists and seven lead guitarists.

Guitarist #2: Cool, but I think we need more guitarists.
by HumphreyB May 20, 2006
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A six (or seven, or twelve) stringed instrument capable of soft sounds, or, in the hands of a good player, the greatest musical mayhem known to man. Pretty much the most popular instrument today. Comes in electric, semi-hollow body, and acoustic styles. NOT to be confused with Guitar Hero "guitars" which are TOYS!
Guitar God- My axe has 132 buttons, how many does yours have?

Guitar Hero obsessed loser- (sob) Five...
by metalman777 December 11, 2009
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a chic magnet that makes ladies of any age think that a guy is oober sexy, becky look at that guitar. it's so hot.
by Nicole M March 12, 2006
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The act of playing a guitar. Usually used as shorthand slang for 'playing a guitar'
1: Hey man, what are you doing?
2: I'm busy guitaring, call me back later.

I've been guitaring alot lately
by Kikral July 18, 2008
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