A Chelsey Gazzola.
Wow man, you just macked a goog
by Ryan Bozak July 28, 2011
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To see a page of crap unrelated to your obscured ass search for something while using Google to do so. This commonly occurs for etards.
I tried to do research for that report and got googed with everything I tried.
by drd79 January 4, 2010
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When you keep cumming like a firehose till u shrivel up (as in scary movie) :)
I had a googe last night, i nearly died!
by George S January 27, 2006
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friend:What the heck is a llama?
me: Idfk lets goog it.
by Jesse Drury November 22, 2007
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Idiot (coloquial term)
e.g. That car of googs was trying to goog me on my walk
by kennansoft February 24, 2005
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Goog- hot, sexy
That chic is as goog as a jew in an oven!
by Hugh Jass September 3, 2003
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1) G-cup size breasts.
2) Something with is very, very good.
Wow, that chick's googs are fucking goog!
by Zernhelt May 25, 2009
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