(Michelangelo to Raphael)
Aw, shell! Where the shell is my pizza, dude?
by hellhound one September 26, 2005
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a total tool of a man that manages to pull the hottest chicks.
"Dude that chick is banging, but look at the shell she's with."
by Joe Thompson November 27, 2007
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A stand up guy. Tough guy. Not a punk, or soft, or cotton candy. A force to be reckoned with. One who is looked at as "hard". A real nigga.

Rogers:"You heard about your boy Colley?"

Boyd: "Nah, what he do NOW?"

Allen:"He was one deep and beat up 3 goons from DSG"

Boyd:"Yeah man my boy has always been shell!"
by Prince Christopher September 22, 2007
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To shell a joint is to place the end of the joint in the shotgun hole of a piece and press your thumb to the bowl, inhaling through the mouth piece.
Man, this jay's almost kicked, let's shell it.
by Johnny Thunder June 19, 2007
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The act of turning away from social networks and/or communication in order to get some alone time and/or relief from the excessive use of online social networks/communication. This does not mean the sheller does not use dark social mediums such as e-mail and/or text messaging.
Adam: Hey Steve, why are you not on facebook anymore?

Steve: I told you!! I'm shelling for a few months. I can't be too addicted to shit like facebook and twitter!

Adam: You can't be in your shell forever, you'll be back.
by EyesExistInTheSky October 29, 2012
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Gorgeous boyfriend. Usually very level headed. Until some crazy girl comes and rubs him up the wrong way. Many traits of a typical James, also, such as amazing eyes and well hung.

The best friend you could ask for and if you manage to catch him as your boyfriend he is a butterfly you should never let go. Keep him. Love him. Worship him. And in return he will treat you like a princess.
that shell, wish he was mine
by MissHa September 21, 2010
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