The modern word for a women's vaginal secretion. In other words, a cool word for "getting wet."
"Dude last night me and Latisha were going at it and she totally razzed all over me"
by Jay & Ash August 19, 2009
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razz is a word used to get peoples attention that you would like to have x/take a look at x/have a go at x/have a bit of x
Lets get a razz of that burger!

by MrMonster12345 January 13, 2009
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Zoned out as fuck. Staring into space and you dont even notice everything around you
by chiccalovee May 22, 2011
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1.)Too much swag. Gotta put it in your words. It ain't fronting or tryna be cool. Just a funny dude/dudette twisting words you've gotta have an acceptable IQ to understand
Guy: You think you're razzer than me?
Dudette: Uh..ya! Bring it on dude!
Guy: Gimme a word.
Dudette: Chucky.
Guy: It's not only Chucky, it's bride of chucky
Dudette: It's not only bride of chucky it's Rugrats tommy
Guy: It's not only tommy it's tommy hilfiger
Dudette: It's not only Tommy Hilfiger it's tommy mountain number
Guy: It's not only mountain number it's mountain dew
Dudette: lol

by Surburbia March 31, 2009
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lets have a you wanna razz on the spaz(go on the space invader machine/video game)
by mr. e. john April 17, 2003
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To razz is to have a male human/donkey specimen take his erected penis, and lightly tap and play with another human/donkey(s) anal hole. This usually results in massive orgasms and seamen to fly everywhere. (CAUTION: Can cause harsh rashes and sudden illness of the anus.)
Greg likes to "razz" Glenn's anus.
by Gilgamesh Duke of Snodgrass October 6, 2006
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