"OMG I think I just...What a PC!"
"That guy turns me on, he's such a PC"
by Torrico September 13, 2009
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Yo e-tard, what's your pc?
by Andrew BALLLIN March 10, 2008
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For me it means portable computer
But its real meaning is personal computer
Sure I'll bring my pc at your home and we can play some games
Want to come home and play games on my pc?
by AVPgrajera August 4, 2017
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Porn Communicator.
I just got a new Dell PC.
by Caprico August 6, 2012
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Pharmacy Crush.
When you are in pharmacy school and you have a friend crush on a fellow peer. Also can be refered to as pfc.
"Hey, I didnt know pc was in our lab?"
"Yeah he is. Go sit by him!"
by alexa14 September 15, 2008
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As coined by me in my kitchen about 5 minutes ago.
Guy 1: Hey man! Let's pop some PC!
Guy 2: .. what about a computer?
Guy 1: Nah, man, PC! Popcorn!
Guy 2: .. Are you high?
by sexymchotpants July 1, 2006
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