The (usually) vilified act of sneezing while giving your partner a rim job.
I got an oogie boogie last night, it was the weirdest thing I've ever felt!
by WayGrossBrah February 13, 2011
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The act of giving a woman oral sex and sneezing into her vagina and continuing to use it as a lubricant
Oh my god, you really gave her an oogie boogie? You sick son of a bitch XD
by Sweet juice February 14, 2011
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The vile and disgusting act in which the festering qualities of diseased genetalia grind in vigorously rigorous copulation. Either singular party, though usually both, supply great amounts of skankersores during the act with intent to spread diseases around the world.
Hey, baby, lets oogie boogie!
by goatofcolors July 25, 2007
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The act of making a crack in your parents door when there having sex, you then beat your meat and when your about to cum burst into your parents room, scream Oogie boogie and cum on them
“I Oogie Boogied my parents last night”
What the fuck dude
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Bright reddy brown dog turds with an orange/yellow center, similar to an onion bahjee.
He realised to his horror he had stepped into a impressive pile of dog oogie.
by Revels March 26, 2003
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when you oggeley boogleley yeah
that guys really oogy boogeley
by yeastyeast May 1, 2022
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