new hampshire
The WORST fucking state to live in. I hope whoever discovered this fucking state is burning in hell. This state is full of rednecks and people who think they are better than everyone else. All the people call us massholes but excuse me? You people are the lowest form of life that has been my misfourtune to know. If it wasn't for Massachusetts (and an Italian guy) this country wouldn't exist but anyways this state sucks complete ass and no wonder why everyone hates it
sure new hampshires great if you like to ruin your kids social life and see a bunch of Latinos
by Operation: Douchebag August 19, 2006
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An OK skateboard..we have a lot of those near Rye Airfield..and a place where theres a beach..(weirs or hampton) where you go vacationing mostly its to busy at tourists..its a good place but its busy and the water is TOO cold!)
New Hampshire is A Vacation Spot and a lot of the kids are sporty and in your Rye, NH area..a lot of preps.. but its big on Basketball and Skateboarding..Skateboarding around Rye Airfield is a good place.. famous skaters go there often and its a BIG skatepark!
by KT August 16, 2004
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The most boring state ever. Only good because we don't get taxed here.
I live in New Hampshire, and I HATE it!
by weirdgirl June 14, 2003
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Worst muthacukin state. ESPECIALLY merrimack where me and one black kid and another halfrican brother stay at. It is really bad for minorities.
>lets go to NH.
>hellz no dats gay shit and racist bullshit!
by AJ THA KING February 17, 2005
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A fireworks store with a meth lab in back.
Everyone in New Hampshire is thinking about how they'd like to be out of New Hampshire.
by Sam is a Dick November 22, 2006
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sucks ass and the people i met from there are weird, annoying, gay, uptight, think they are black, waspy and shitheads to say the least
New Hampshire is a state where WASPS live and the kids who live near boston think they are from the city when they aren't
by shotzflyin April 21, 2006
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waste of state, where hippies and bugs live, good for nothing
New Hampshire blows.
by Anonymous May 16, 2003
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