Kingston is a really cool guy who most likely loves to ride bikes off mountains.he has super cool blonde hair and a lot of freckles.and he is always wearing a mask
by brookeeeyyyy November 23, 2021
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A small adverse city in the Hudson Valley largely known for having Billy Costello, a tiny shopping mall (which unbeknowingly is in the shape of a swastika), fancy pubs bars and eateries rittled with late night middle aged alcoholics, and let's not forget the most ghetto school system in Ulster County. A mild hub for citiots and Jersey tourists during cerntain seasons, Kingston is (domestically) described as a"turd sandwich, lightly garnished in minstral blood and human fecal matter" for the dense population of douchebags, bullshitters, and self centered self loathing depressed assholes. Although many may disagree, Kingston has virtually no culture or local flavor despite having the rich history of being the first capital of NY.
Person #1: Yo you hear bout DAT nigga in midtown Kingston NY who almost got blasted?
Person #2: Yo dat nigga stress. You don't be walking down Pearl St. at night. You to big a pussy anyway nigga.
Person #1 (snaps teeth aggressively) Nigga wich yo ulgy ass! I know you ain't tryna spar nigga!
by bitch_please! March 9, 2015
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Small place in the middle of nowhere found in Rhode Island where the most badass people live.

NOT to be confused with South Kingstown where you can actually go places...

Only places you can walk to consist of a liquor store, West Kingston Park, Dels truck in the summer, Barbers pond, and the Homestead restaurant. Despite that, residents always manage to have tons of fun and keep themselves entertained.
Referred to as “East Bum-fuck” or the “Boondocks”
"Dude, theres nothing to do in this hell hole."
"Might as well go get some Dels and chill at the West Kingston Park."
"Can we take pictures of random children?"
"Sure, why not."
by No Life 13 May 24, 2009
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a telephone company in Hull that runs a monopoly and denies competition by charging the same price for wholesale as that they charge for their customers, also gets into bed with the council and also likes to get into bed with the Dull Snaily Mail
<hulldude1> Karoo Rulez! they boosted my connection from 512/256 to 768/256! nice.

<hulldude2> wtf I been cutoff for downloading a few warez, and NO I wasnt 'sharing' it! also had to write a fucking letter to KC to say I would never do it again, yeah right well i’ll write and visit them with it for now since there’s no other isp. Can’t wait till BT come rolling into town then there will be no more suspensions OR apologies for cutoffs cos KC will no longer be running the show and they’ll be back to small fry like they currently are in the rest of East Yorkshire!

<hulldude3> I been downloading some music and next morning rang the helldesk, they told me that my account is suspended! had to write a fucking letter to KC and apologise like a lil kid and say I would never do it again, well they are NOT getting it! cos if they dont restore my connection im be moving out of hull and they can stick their letter!

<hulldude4> i been cutoff for downloading some movies, eek I got to write a letter and visit them saying that im sorry and not to do it again, no other ISPs whine about this or ask such ludicrous procedures, makes me sick, think i'll give hull daily mail a ring in morning about this.

<hulldailymail> no hulldude4 we can NOT cover any negative stories about KC, you shouldn’t have downloaded those singles then should you! try BUYING them next time.

<hulldude5> ive never had a disconnection for p2p yet! Probably because I use SSH tunnels onto a mates shell server to do my web, irc, msn and p2p stuff. All complaints go into the trash folder (unless its serious i.e. child porno, terrorism etc) karoo don’t see a thing besides remote IP destination and the encryption, which they will never be able to break.

<hulldude6> man why do KC keep thinking that we are all football crazy?! they spent all that money on a fucking susper stadium for a devision 3 team! when it would be better spent on internet infrastructure and help end karoo's internet problems!
by TV sucks November 28, 2004
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A school full of rich thots and neeks,

it is very cool to have mental illnesses, if you are mentally ill you will be instantly popular. But daddy’s money can help pay for retail therapy. Parties every other weekend won’t help with the alcoholism and drug addictions that many kids here suffer. If you’re a girl, make sure you’re equipped with your longchamps bag and a full face of makeup before turning up to school (late of course)
those kids go to kingston grammar, you know what’s in their water bottles
by sourwatemelon420 December 17, 2019
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The greatest pizza restaurant in Rhode Island. Has a variety of Specialty Pizzas including Buffalo chicken, BBQ chicken, and the famous 911 which has almost any kind of meat you can think of. Also known as KP
Corey: Yo man lets get some Kingston Pizza
George: Hell yea Im craving that 911 pizza
by cottonball July 21, 2006
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