A condition especially pertaining to juniors with rigorous academic schedules and strong ambitions for college that inhibits them from willingly doing their work and poses them ask the age-old question, "What is the point of all of this?"

Often leads to senioritis.
I know that I have to keep my grades up to get into college, but I think junioritis is starting to sink in and I just don't want to do my work.
by hey its me January 14, 2004
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Being forcibly subordinated to someone of equal or higher rank within a company or other organization.
Despite his considerable experience, he was totally juniorized by middle management and was forced to perform menial tasks because he was the new guy.
by GPM415 February 16, 2012
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a condition of knowing that homework is important, but not wanting to do it because you're sick of doing homework
I can't do this take-home final, I have such bad junioritis.
by Billy G December 7, 2003
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A sweet loving guy with amazing usage of words, he knows exactly what to say in every situation. He can put a smile on any body's face.
"Junior " brings warmth to my heart every time I hear it.
by love bug 24/7 September 5, 2015
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The belief that you are entitled to a better job or work situation because of your ability to suck dicks.
He thinks his Juniority will get him the promotion.
by The_penguin_miner August 19, 2019
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The condition of being so fed up with Junior year work (eg. AP/Honors courses work, SATs, IBs, SAT IIs, ACTs) that a person experiences mental breakdowns, frustration, and bouts of "DGAF"-ing. The state of being unable to concentrate shortly follows.

The condition of being so unable to focus, that Junior updates definitions of "Junioritis" on Urban Dictionary, rather than do their work.
My severe case of Junioritis is the reason I am on Urban Dictionary right now.
by Nate Peete January 30, 2010
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The sleep-deprived, zombie-like disease of a high-school junior who has overdosed on AP or honors classes and extracurriculars.
A person with junioritis exhibits characteristic tendencies such as caffeine dependence, poor posture, a bleak social life, and basic hatred for anyone without homework. Used as a noun or occasionally as an expletive, if said with enthusiasm.
I was up until three this morning writing an argumentative essay and studying for an AP history exam.
I've got horrible junioritis.
OR Junioritis! Who the heck drank all the Pepsi?
by VAKI5 May 8, 2005
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