A funny girl one to have everyones back when they need it the most. A girl that whats to have a good dose of fun every once in a while. Jordies usually play sports and succeed at them. They have lots of friends. Their friends always try to be as good as them but can never be as good.
You have so many friends that look up to you, so i'm guessing your a Jordie.
by Dogandsoftbal31710 November 10, 2017
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A boy who has no swag and is really cocky. He believes he can get any girl, when really everyone hates him. They only thing girls enjoy of him are his clothing style and his fragance. He has really ugly hair especialy when its down. He is a horrible DJ and only hangs out with pedophiles. He thinks smoking is cool, when really it's just making him loose brain cells and making him dumber by the second. He thinks everyone likes him, when really no one really does; all he thinks about is himself. Once you meet a Jordi, RUN AWAY!!! They'll try to seduce you with their "swag."
Person 1: I have so much swag! Everyone wants me!
Person 2: Shut up. You must be a Jordi.
by TheTrumpets March 27, 2012
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A soccer player with no sense of team - skillful but unable to read the game, unwilling to pass to a team mate, ultimately a weak link.
Jordy wasted the opportunity by electing to try and beat 3 men rather than put in an early ball.
by Joshiah December 23, 2005
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A french boy/man who is a pussy guzzler and favourite position is DVDA.
There's a gay jordi!
by Paul Richards November 20, 2006
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A crackheaded player who feeds on Lg's and treats them like items and ditches them if he gets bored. He's a lowlife loser who gets high and forgets everything. He's lived double life than he remembers. And he's an Albacore Tuna.

He better learn fast cuz when he messes with the wrong family, he's gonna get it.

Hey jordies!!! BETTER WATCH YOUR HAIR!!!!
Jordie: You are so hot!
Lg: o rlly? thanks
Jordie (while LG's friends are in a bathtub): You wanna go out?
LG: yes

3 hours later
Jordie(on facebook): It's over
LG: pissed
by Snack Kit April 10, 2010
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Oh man, they're serving tacos again. I'm gonna have to go drop a jordy in the shithouse tonight.
by Oz Etzion August 23, 2005
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