When the man ejaculates up the girl's nose, the semen accumulates so much that it oozes out of her tear ducts. If it doesn't ooze out right away, the man punches her in the face to induce crying.
Cory: "Oh yeah, here it comes, where do you want it?"
Topanga: "I feel like being kinky...why don't you give me a Tear-jerker?"
Cory: "Oh ya...that's SO hot."
*Cory ejaculates and makes high-pitched orgasm screeches*
*Topanga makes snorting sounds*
Cory: "Hey, it's not coming out of your eyes!"
*Cory punches Topanga in the face*
*Topanga cries cum*
Cory: "Yeah...that's better. By the way, bitch, I got AIDS."
*Topanga cries more cum*
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Noun: A person from the state of New Jersey.
Mike: "Did you see the latest episode of Jersey Shore?"
Jeff: "Yeah, those New Jerkers really trigger me though."
by Hodor76 February 9, 2017
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Any voyeur whom enjoys finding men masturbating in public usually at known cruising areas or by setting a pre-determined location.
Jerker 1: Hey man missed you at the park & Ride. There were so many jerker lurkers hanging today.

Jerker 2: Damn sorry I missed that. Hopefully they will be back tomorrow.
by KnowItAll1979 May 28, 2022
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A man that is so good looking he can turn an otherwise straight man gay. Immediately.
Brody: Brad Pitt looks pretty good for his age.
Tex: Yeah, he's a real queer jerker.
by Paleki09 June 27, 2013
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When something makes your boobs flop uncontrollably.
Went went over a speed bump, that was a real titty jerker
by Sheeplord420 July 2, 2021
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One who jerks off to animation, which is typically drawn with ink.
Toby, I can't believe you're an ink jerker! Put that hentai away
by 32vtk June 2, 2022
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A form of execution, similar to hanging. Except the condemed person is hung by a crane, and violently thrown upward, causing thir neck to snap.
by Kookycatl119 September 30, 2015
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