Another word for goofball, usually used as a term of endearment.
"Dude, you're such a jellybean!"
by Johnny Winterbooth November 20, 2019
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hey bro you got the jellybeans?
yeah dude tonight is going to be legit!
by nickman95 March 8, 2011
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A small, chewy candy that comes in many colors and flavors, this candy is a favorite at Easter time. I personally think they are nasty and give you cavities, but they are fat-free.
Jelly Belly is the most famous (and expensive) manufacturer of jellybeans.
by Jenny Penny September 16, 2005
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A person that puts on a false behavior as being hard or tough but is really a big softy or a punk on the inside. (Hard on the outside, soft on the inside.)
See man, I told you Big Roy wasn't nothing but a jellybean. He'll act all hard on the block but when he gets stepped to by the fools from across the way he don't say nothing.
by Nikk_Nikk September 2, 2006
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annoying ass bitch who keeps telling herself she’s funny
“hey, whos that skank people keep making fun of on tiktok?”

you mean JellyBean? Yeah shes a bitch lol”
by cluaireo March 8, 2022
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An awful streamer/youtuber that is very annoying and flooded YouTube with comments saying "It's not a mistake ✨ IT'S A MASTERPIECE ✨.
Her stans are even worse than Dream stans. Seriously.
Kid: I hate JellyBean
JellyBean stan: HOW DARE YOU1!!!1!!!11! SHE'S NOT A MISTAKE! SHE'S A MASTERPIECE!!!11!!1!!!!!!11!111111!!
by Mr5G March 7, 2022
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