A way to say “i will kill you” and also a holy Roblox quote used by an odd-looking noob. Improper grammar makes it even more effective.
Person 1: c’mon dude let’s play Fortnite
Person 2: i’d rather not
Person 1: c’mon you know you want cancer
Person 2: no u dumbass i will die u
Person 1: *dies*
by VeganCarnivore647 August 31, 2019
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A phrase that developed on the RuneScape Item Discussion Forum back in December 2009. The phrase was started when the user HomerSympson created a thread asking users what they wanted for Christmas that year.

The first user responded with "i want u leg lol". The line was so random that everyone thought it was extremely funny. So a user named Oldcouch copied and responded with "i want u leg lol," then the user Proton responded with the same, and it continued for several pages before being locked by a forum moderator for spam.

Since that time, the phrase has been credited with the title of the first Item Discussion forum meme.

The correct use of the phrase is whenever a "want" applies to the conversation.

However, it can really be used whenever, especially when a topic is completely random or useless and the user has nothing to contribute.
HomeSympson: What do you guys want for Christmas this year?
Guy in red mask: I want u leg lol
Oldcouch: I want u leg lol
Proton: I want u leg lol
(continues for several pages)

IlikeDskirtnGranite32: Partyhats r overpriced n Jargex shuld make em be 2m so ppl like me can afford them.
Blc Fox: i want u leg lol
by ProtonRS November 25, 2010
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What you get when a Jewish police officer arrests you for driving under the influence because you are a drunk Gentile/Australian actor/director who blames Jews for drunk driving laws.
Officer: Sir, you were swerving, please exit the vehicle.

Australian Gentile director/actor: Jews have started all wars and killed Jesus!

Officer: Sir, you are under arrest for Jew-U-I.

Australian Gentile director/actor: I demand my Jewish lawyer.

by deadon August 3, 2006
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U text ur crush or gf and say I love u and if u see them that day give Dem a big hug or even if it's a best friend
by 2k_savage April 24, 2020
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Is a saying refering to someone who has a passion for the water starter from pokemon gerneration 3 named mudkip this started as a reddit joke wich then spread into popular mainstream
by LitFamManDan2Nan December 14, 2016
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U like sumbody but u don’t wanna get ur feelings hurt
Shiloh: I like u do u like me? Makaliah: I like u but I don’t like u . Makaliah’s TikTok user : Whoskayllaa
by ShilohSimpsforMakaliah January 8, 2022
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