Jacob: hey have you heard of gigachad

Tyrone: Yeah but what about giga Nigga
by Kitange8721 January 24, 2023
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Very talented F1 driver, could of been a major talent and when he goes giga there's no stopping him
Giga Kubica is about to overtake Hamilton
Of course he is, he's Giga Kubica
Yeah true, I wish he won a world championship
by TMKeel21 December 2, 2021
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Aside from Tamagotchi, the most popular line of keychain virtual pets when they were a fad. A large line of Giga Pets were made, ranging from dogs to cats to penguins to just about any other animal you can think of. Just like any other fad, many kids brought it to school. And just like any other fad, the teachers and administrators gave it the thumbs down. But kids still brung them anyway. Giga Pets were a major fad until the Pokémon Era (1998-2002), and even put you in control of your own monochrome version of the media's most famous critters (for example Salem from Sabrina: The Teenage Witch). Giga Pets were even sold as a promotional offer at KFC at one point. And although you probably won't be able to find a Giga Pet today, they truly were the biggest revolution in monochrome crystal-screen handheld gaming since the Game & Watch.
Hand Hanzo had a new Giga Pet clipped to his jeans.
by Hand Hanzo February 18, 2005
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giga puddi

tl;dr puddi puddi
by mikehawk151 December 1, 2010
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A simp above all simps, a simp to many women, one who puts all the hoes before all the bros, hated by males, loved by women. An idiot.
Person 1: fine, my crush is Tina.
Person 2: lmao, that giga simp Oscar already has her heart, good luck.
by ///Protest\\\ March 13, 2020
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A very buff black man on steroids with a 12 pack and a 2ft long schlong. Usually near 8ft tall and have chocolate milk flowing through their veins. If they go to planet fitness they’d get kicked out for bending the iron and snapping people’s necks. They also have one night stands with girls every night and giga niggas don’t have partners because their dicks are so long, They pierce their partners vagina during inter course.
Racist: Look at that buff ass nigga over there!
Giga nigga: *turns around*
Racist: *Shits boxers*
by coolhandlehere69420 December 30, 2022
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Usually someone who is big and black. 10+ inch shlong. Most likely is above 6”3 and probably can curl your fucking deadlift. Extremely rare species. Can be black or orange.
Look at the Giga Nigga! He is so sexy! “Let me suck you soft”!
by Juststatingfacts12345 November 14, 2022
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