One who goes to great lengths to pay as little as possible for gas.
"I get gas whereever I need to; I'm not gonna bend over backwards to save, like, a dollar, cuz I'm no fuel economist"
by PositiveZero April 1, 2008
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verb; to sneeze or cough while pooping increasing the pressure and helping to finish quicker
I never would have made it to class on time if I hadn't jet fueled through that deuce.
by AwesomeJE September 4, 2010
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the raddest 24/7 action sports channel there is it has shows like firsthand,logic skateboard media,concrecte wave,insane cinema,worldbeat,and longboard tv.
Me:Hey dude u wanna go fuel tv?pro skater kris markovich is on firsthand
Skater kid:sure dude that'll be rad
by Frederic January 9, 2004
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Spirits with high Alcohol percentage. If it tastes like burning, it's rocket fuel.
Ben: Try this Absinthe man!
Andy: *throws up* This shit's rocket fuel man!!!
Ben: *Laughs*
by Eli Bedlam April 11, 2006
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Cowboy fuel is a name given to an alcoholic beverage which generally promotes cowboy like behavior.

The most renown cowboy fuel would be a Desperado, which is a tequila flavored beer.

cowboy fuel generally leads to the worst headache of your life and you feel very drained the next day, assuming you didn't get too pumped up and ended in the cells or A&E.
Guy1:Mate what on earth happened to you last night?

Guy2:Shh mind the head mate, must have been that cowboy fuel?

Guy1:I told you to lay of the cowboy fuel, remember what happened to Phil?
by FrazzleFresh & MrKenzi May 12, 2009
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The act of defecating while eating. In with the new out with the old.
Megan didn't have time to take a lunch break, so she's in the bathroom power fueling.
by Stayoutdoors April 30, 2014
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