In a dark room with no windows and one door and a dirt floor, a group of at least 8 men circle around one naked man in the center. All of them are smoking cigarettes and trying to burn the naked man as he dances to avoid the burns. There is complete silence aside from the crackling of cigarettes and the pattering of the dancer's feet. This goes until the naked guy gets burnt by each person, and whoever burns him last is the next dancer.
My dad walked in during a hot night of Frisco Carousel last night. Ewps!
by Satoshi Hiryu Nippon-Kuku October 29, 2005
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During sex, one partner takes a balloon filled with fart and then pops it during penetration from the rear close enough to the receiver's face to provide a sweet breezy experience just as they are about to cum, hence the "tornado". A popular move in San Francisco
Melissa was craving some rear entry action, so Ted filled a 8" balloon and blew her away with the Frisco Tornado before finishing off on her back.
by juaco November 5, 2012
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An absolute cesspool (in the highschool department atleast) filled with kids ranging from e-boy/girl to tik tok thot/hypebeast. Its not a fun place to be schooled and you are low life scum if you don’t have a car planned for you as soon as you hit fifteen. In frisco, we are all rich kids here. INCLUDING ME I GUESS. Please leave as soon as possible and dont suck on daddies wallet.
by FriscoSIMP July 5, 2020
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It has a really bad tiktok infestation. And kids are basic from e-boys/girls to hype beasts and thots. Everyone who says they are normal are closet thots or straight up simps.
Plano elitist: You from Frisco Texas
Me: Yeh

Plano elitist: RUN
by FriscoSIMP July 5, 2020
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Frisco High School where the bathrooms are juul rooms and where everyone’s faker than kim kardashian’s ass. That shits always dead and everywhere u step that hellholes cold as fuck, like fr that bitch colder than an igloo. Tons of kids come to school higher than their gpa and the staff never notices because they are oblivious. Frisco High “The Origanal” is definitely not the place to be.
Did you see that “Frisco High School” party? -Jimmy
“Yes that shit looked dead” -Juan
by friscohighisntthemove October 16, 2018
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full of kids who hate the staff for doing their job
aye bruh what school do you go to
ahhhhh dude dont get me started on that I go to Frisco High School, and it sucks teachers yell at us for disrupting class smh
by friscohighschoolsbest October 21, 2018
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