Literally means "my dick in you" but is taken as an insult in Lebanon to mean somewhere along the lines of the common "fuck you."
Person A: Hey, man. Where were you?
Person B: With your sister.
Person A: Airi feek.
by Tako_400 June 24, 2011
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To feel bigger about something; to look at a problem from above and realize that it's not as bad as it initially looked.
You know, I feeked over it for a while, and there really is no point to fearing a break-up; I mean, if it happens it happens and it'll suck but I'll be okay with it.
by Nikkola March 13, 2005
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Based off the common curse word Fu** and the common expression Eeek! Both words are used to describe emotion; however, combined they create a useful alternative to cursing!
"Shut the feek up!"
by Eliz B November 26, 2009
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To be a fag geek. AKA: really sweet, rad, chill, scene and all around awesome.
That kid is totally feek.
That sweater is feek.
by V-Ron October 13, 2005
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To pull a 'feek' is to convince a girl that you have a penis. . . but you dont.
Girl1: he pulled a feek on me last night in the bedroom
Girl2:Really I normally get the other feek ;)
by Dr tonks July 24, 2009
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dont be feek on #xbox
by Elemental_Sin October 10, 2004
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