An equation that scientifically proves the location of specific materials in the game of "Minecraft"
Sponge: According to the Minecraft equation, Where there is Lapis, there is Diamonds
Kyle: You're a Fucking retard
by TravistheMoonStar February 7, 2017
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Stephane was dancing, wavin his hands way above the gay equator.
by Leroy White April 22, 2003
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The Hobo Equation also known as the homeless equation is a simple equation in which to roughly estimate the number of Homeless individuals that exist in a given area. The equation as it stands today is H=0.0247P-.000862X^2 Where H is the number of Homeless people in one square kilometer P is the population of the given city and X is the distance in meters.
This Equation shown using a mock position 10km outside of a city of 3.5 million people
H= 0.0247*3 500 000 - 0.000862(10 000)^2 H= 86 450 - 86 200 H=250
Therefore there would be on average 250 homeless people per square kilometer 10km away from the centre of the city.

I.E. I used the hobo equation and there are 250 hobos in this area!
by Christian Irwin April 29, 2007
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A simple algebra-type (A, B, C, and D) formula that illustrates the primary brain activity of a typical male when viewing members of the opposite gender.
She: Why do you want to know what size bra I wear?
He: Oh, just 'cause I'm a guy, and so I follow the guy equation --- A. We're guys. B. Guys love boobs. C. Double-D.
by QuacksO January 24, 2015
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An unbalanced equation is typically seen on college campuses, sporting events, workout facilities as well as in the general population. An unbalanced equation is when a male on the lower end of the 1-10 spectrum (4 and below) is dating a female that is ranked highly on the 1-10 scale (8 and up). The male in the relationship is typically insecure about himself and has large muscles. This situation does not work in the opposite direction because no man is dumb enough to date an ugly girl.
Friend 1: Look at that unbalanced equation over by the crosswalk.
Friend 2: Holy shit dude you are right, he's totally like a 4 and she's a 9.5.
by tlskxchris October 17, 2009
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an equation for beauty:
or for those of you who prefer surgery
deborah has been exercising every day and eating the right foods and being nice to her neighbors and she alwasy smiles.. in a few months she began to look more and more beautiful.. this proves the beauty equation
lisa went to go get higher cheekbones.. the docotrs worked hard and with patience and a 5,000$ bill her cheekbones were higher than ever

by kirbies April 29, 2009
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