Underwear, boxers or knickers. Male or female.
"Johnny, are you alright?"

"No, Fred. I've just filled my dung hampers and the laundrette's closed"
by Tobias Nuge September 1, 2009
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1) Someone, usually a politician that is totally full of shit.

2) How a hippopotamus relieves itself of feces.
Guy #1: Did you hear that "healthcare" jive that Obama is trying to pull over everyone's eyes?

Guy #2: Yeah, more like socialized medicine. What a dishonest fraud!

Guy #3: Dung sprayer is more like it!
by Paolo Maldini July 22, 2009
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euphemism for an anus, ass. Used in reference to anal sex
Man, that new chick was freaky and begged for it in her dung oven
by Country Dick Montana December 5, 2017
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The arsehole - where the shite slides out of your arse
I just opened my dung hatch and a dirty big pile of shite flew out
by Camp Nolie October 9, 2007
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1. One who flings poop, particularly monkeys.

2. A person who reminds you of number one above.

3. Slang for someone whom you find obnoxious.

There can be a slight modification: "Hung-dung monkey" means the monkey with the big wang is a poop-flinger, for example.
That Mike can be a real pain in the ass. He's nothing but a dung monkey.
by JBFP May 29, 2008
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