Used when describing something as a dumbass. The opposite of "boss".

The opposite of something awesome, authorized, or amazing.
You got in 6s, dude! That's so doss!

Joined V9, Like a doss!
by rv7 July 4, 2013
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A very unique simple form of chav, not that they arnt simple enough already. they tend to laze around in there shitty little council flats, constantly smoking weed talking about fights that never existed.

there speach abilities are also utter shit.
doss rench1: "points finger at a mosher"
doss rench2: errrrrrr
doss rench1: wunt dare m8
mosher: "lolz" "shakes head"
by mightymouse1210 February 18, 2009
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A way of showing you are impressed or agree with a story

Can be used in many contexts -

Not to be confused with the well used phrase ‘fair do’s’

This is pronounced fair d-o-s-s
Jonty I’ve only just heard I’ve been accepted into oxford “ “ oh fair doss
by Fair doss January 6, 2018
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This is a man from Eastern United States. He enters your home with handcuffs, a bucket of shit, and a shotgun. He makes the sound “EH, EH, EH, EH, EH” as he smashes your ass in with the shotgun.
“Help! The Dirty Doss is in my house in the middle of the street!”
by SSlumlord June 13, 2019
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(verb) to make something random and and slightly useless object
Dude, did you just Doss that chair into a petting zoo for dust?
by muddd September 5, 2003
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A word meaning the same thing as bada**, but pronounced differently. All the cool kids are now saying "bah-dos" instead of "bada**."
"That girl's shoes are so bah-doss!"
by avitalthealien July 10, 2009
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-A name that usually means handsome or Good looking with a kind and loving heart who cares for others but this name is very special to someone.
James Doss the most kind and handsome person.
by HATDOOOOG! September 28, 2018
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