A situation that arises when a friend on Facebook (with whom you have been previously romantically involved) likes something you have posted resulting in raising the ire of the person with whom you are currently romantically involved.
The following is an example of what a woman suffering from like dislike might say:

Woman- I really wish that you would unfriend Danielle. She just liked your Facebook status only because she's trying to get you back.

Man- Stop being paranoid, get off that computer, and back in the kitchen.
by ScrapIronJaw December 22, 2011
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Everyone who sees this please dislike it!
by My Friends are Weird October 19, 2020
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*watching rewind 2018*
Person: wow this video has a ton of views and likes it's gotta be good.
Dislike button
by pwnda December 2, 2021
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The comment Facebookers say when expressing their objection for something, purely because Facebook doesn't have a Dislike button.

see: dislike
Brad: This essay sucks.
-Jack: Yeah. Dislike button.
by emerson7 February 24, 2010
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Something that always pops up an is used (a lot) even on the best ideas/comments
Bob: wow I just used the dislike button on that video.

Jimmy: I don't give a fuck.
by the-designated-driver... November 30, 2012
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Dislike is when you do not like something. This word is quite common on the Internet. There's also the dislike button, which people can use if they dislike something. Please dislike I want to see how many dislikes I can get
This video is garbage. I'll just dislike it..
by PeterG69 April 27, 2020
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The most pointless thing on YouTube and the most desperately needed thing on Facebook. *THINK ABOUT IT!!*

What's the point of disliking a video on YouTube? If you don't like something, then don't watch it and find something else!

If you don't like something that someone posts on Facebook, give it a thumbs down in lieu of a vote up!
Nirvana fan (watching a Nirvana video): "Oh, these haters.. Why would they dislike Come As You Are when they could just leave those of us who are Nirvana fans to watch without thinking about those who dislike this? Why should there even be a dislike button?"

Jack: "I really can't stand some of these posts that people put here on Facebook."
Ben: "Yeah. Facebook needs a dislike button."
by VitalyKimiSebNirvana May 28, 2012
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