someone who is unsure of their sexual identity/person who may be gay or straight but isnt sure
dave wanted to compare penis sizes with some of his frends so they called him a curious george
by magic marly July 6, 2011
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adj. Used to describe someone who is homosexual and has the desire to experiment with the opposite sex. The state of mind could be a graduial decline or a heriditary trait. Most people find their true inner sexual desire during their years at college, where they might decide to dabble with members of the other sex.
After beginning to dabble with Andy soon realized that his orientation needed to be changed to hetero-curious.
by abcg March 13, 2005
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As seen on South Park, it is a word used to describe a person who is thinking about buying a Harley Davidson. (also see fag)
dad: im thinking about getting a harley.
son: wow dad, youre biker curious
by CA-MACHO October 12, 2011
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As Bi-curious is for straight people also somewhat interested in the same gender,
Straight-curious is being gay and having a slight interest in the opposite sex.
I'm not totally gay, I'm straight-curious!
by Tha Bo$$, The Legend February 22, 2015
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a person who experiments with the same sex just to see what its like.
I heard those two girls go out....
nah they're just bi-curious
by jusskidding November 23, 2009
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Nick-Dude are you going to buy a bike?
Justin-Idk man, is it really worth it?
Nick-Dude are you Braap-curious, I thought we were over this.....
Justin-I just don't know how I feel about it....
Nick-I don't know you anymore
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An individual with a penchant for learning new things.
Bob's on another Ted Talk binge, he's such a curious cathy.
by Curious Cathy October 17, 2020
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