The savage crazy rapper troublemaker crazy savage Rivers Cuomo of Weezer in 2010
Yo savage crazy rapper trouble maker, you look like Red Album Rivers Cuomo
by LeavesCuomo January 7, 2020
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It seems more like an attempt to blackmail a government official already in power by another party that wants to gain power by ousting someone in an indirect way.
The accusers in the Andrew Cuomo Scandal are about as direct in their their intentions as a flight from New York to Istanbul that stops in South Africa and India first.
by Solid Mantis March 2, 2021
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A sex move where you fuck someone in there unwiped ass with either your fingers or penis then in their mouth with the same appendage and then back to the Anus.

Much like The shitty re-naming of the Tappanzee to the Cuomo bridge, this move is named after Governor Cuomo and his sexual deviancies. Cuomo wanted to go down in history with his name on something legendary so he was named after the sex move after his sexual discrepancies that led him to be removed from office. The move is meant to resemble a bridge between two shitty things over a wet landscape, like the traffic on 287 on both sides of the once- Tappan Zee bridge. It is meant to be a shitty bridge, if you will, The name is also meant to be a terrible idea much like Cuomo’s bastardization of the once-named Tappan Zee.
Guy 1: I met this girl at the club last night and I took her to Cuomos dungeon, If you know what I mean.
Guy 2: That’s gross dude.

Girl 1: My boyfriend wants to cuomos dungeon me.

Girl 2: That’s a horrible idea, what a sexual deviant, just like Cuomo!
by toughcookie96 January 3, 2022
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Noun When a celebrity, politician, or News anchor pretends to be infected or is asymptomatic of said designated disease or condition, often getting caught by disregarding their self quarantine or having a miraculous recovery time
Did POTUS really catch the Beer Flu or did he catch the Cuomo 19 bug?
by Diligent Escape October 23, 2020
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He should have just let them impeach him and stayed defiant in office if he really wanted to stay in office. Trump is a clown and he still didn't resign, he didn't let anybody walk over him.
Governor Cuomo isn't a predator, he's just weak under pressure, now someone else has his job, thanks not just to others, but also to himself. He let other people get rid of him by not really taking a stand against anyone.
by The Original Agahnim August 11, 2021
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When a Male manager interacts with a female colleague or direct report, but without sexual interest nor undertones.
Kelly, are you available to connect for lunch to discuss this project? No Cuomo…
by Lord Ruler August 13, 2021
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What to say when you sexually harass someone and want to get away with it.
Joe got away with groping his coworker because he said "No Cuomo" right afterwards.
by JM1314242 August 10, 2021
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