Spinning around with your arms out raining fiery puke death from above. It is the highest kill streak awarded while on the lash.
18 pint streak you have been awarded the Osprey Chunder
by chuckpea12 June 13, 2013
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the fat on a girls back where her bra is cutting into it.
Look at the chunder on her!
by jason w August 18, 2003
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If you take too much drugs or drink a lot then you've been here. The end game for all those who lost in Psychedelic Selection. (they've been.......Chunderstruck!)
Things to do in the Chunder World include, throwing up on your mates lap in a field, star fishing the ground while naked and waking up 2 days later on a bench in some town you've never been too where the street signs look like someone smashed their face on a keyboard.
"Look at that scatty bastard passed out in his own puke"
"Leave him be, he is one with the Chunder World"
by The Sesh Gremlinz August 26, 2018
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When one is held horizontally above the ground and then 'loaded' with excessive amounts of alcohol before being 'fired' (rocked) backwards and forwards a number of times. If this process does not induce chundering, then the cannon must again be reloaded and the process continued until successful vomiting is induced.
guy 1, "load the cannon"
guy 2, "loading the cannon"
guy 1, "fire the cannon"
guys 3, 4, and 5..., "firing the cannon"

the chunder cannon is then performed by the suspended individual
by thebathchundercannon April 6, 2010
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the place you go where you are sick. most likely induced by drinking
so i hear you had a few too many pints last night and took a trip to chunder city
by darsen December 17, 2007
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A prestigious title given to whom ever is the first to be sick once a drinking session has commenced.
Hey guys, the reigning champion chunder queen Isaac still hasn't chundered. I guess it's anybodys game... Oh wait, he's claimed it!
by jMiR November 1, 2010
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