Why does it take old women so long to pee?
It's like peeling apart a grilled cheese sandwich
by TheMasterOfBates January 30, 2014
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The act of your balls/ ball sack sticking to the inner part of your thighs or gouche.
Garrett says "Hey logan, today in math i couldnt stop Grilled Cheese/ Cheesing and i felt like shoving my hand down my pants and seperating them my self!"
by Scott "Just Scott" K January 7, 2009
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1. the nasty gooey look of the puhey spreading apart after a chick has a hard workout

2. a man who can consume an entire state worth of food in one sitting
1. that girl working out over there is fine...but I bet she has some mean grilled cheese right now

2. grilled cheese once ate 12 grilled cheese sandwiches in one sitting..after dinner was already over..that's an entire loaf of bread, and a whole pack of cheese
by pharmacyboyz May 19, 2009
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A code name for having sex doggy style with your buddy in a dorm room
Dude, Grant told me it's Grilled cheese Wednesday. You know what that means, sloppy poo poo style.
by Grilled Cheese Wednesday day November 15, 2017
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Super heady toasted garlic and cheese sandwich. Staple in every lot kids diet.
Vendor : Dank garlic grilled cheese, only one dollar! Down for trades!

Raging Head : Gnarley! Good think I spanged this dollar.
by barley January 17, 2008
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