canoodling to snuggle, or cuddle up with someone
Do you want to canoodle now?
Let's canoodle tonight!
My favorite thing to do with my spouse is canoodling.
by Mrs. Aj October 17, 2005
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Amy and Amman stocked up on pasta so they can go canoodling on a boat.
by Ross, BMOC May 9, 2011
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the act of cuddling, necking, and making noodles.
Hans: Would you like to canoodle?!
Lola: Fnuck yeah!!!
by Jon Stewart January 27, 2005
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The act of travelling in a fun manner for the purpose of shennanigans or leisure
Active form of 'canoodle' in a sentence:
"How was your vacation?"
"Great! We spent four nights canoodling around the beach and local pubs!"
by choda84 January 18, 2006
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TO snuggle in a sort of cheesy looking lovey dovey romantic way in public.
its annoying
oh god look at those asshole conoodle
-i know! canoodlers!
someone stop them.
-tell me about it
by YoungYulia October 3, 2006
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